Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

Second Day

Still struggling with blog technicalities, seem to have deleted second entrance twice - grrr!

Thus, short version. After deciding to cut short my day of doing nothin' and just lazing on a Sunday afternoon, I eventually ran out of herring and thus ventured out to the shops. There had the brilliant idea of shooting some pics with my iPhone of signs, foodstuff and other quirky writings, which obviously greatly annoyed the security guy, who made quite a fuzz about it and made me delete the pictures. Guess he was thinking I was an industrial spy. Sorry about that, guess Aldi, Migros, AH, Lidl and consorts would not have much appreciated some Russian guy shooting pictures in their shops.

Well being arrested on some blunder on my first day in new territory would not be something new indeed, but I do try my best to avoid this. It's just as some of you know i AM a terribly clutz and Swiss Borat.

Off to dinner with my mates here in a bit, ending my day of procrastinatin' and doing nothin'.

Word of the day: закрыто (closed). I thought it had its roots in "Sacristy"  a "closed" room in chuch, though according to Wiki, that is totally misguided on my behalf:

NB: ALL your feedbacks are and would be greatly appreciated! 

1 Kommentar:

  1. In order to avoid wrong information, I would like to insert a friend's comment here:
    "The only comment on your mot du jour: the Russian equivalent of English "isn't it?" or Deutsch "oder?" is "ne pravda li?", or, alternatively "ne tak li?. (не так ли?) otherwise you neiighbour girls might have asked each other "Pravda?", which means "richtig?".

